Senator Bill Hagerty Bashes Biden over Continued Inflation


Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) on Thursday bashed President Joe Biden’s agenda due to continued inflation felt throughout the country.

The remarks from Hagerty follow a report from the U.S. Department of Labor, which detailed that consumer prices were up 7.5% compared to last year. The staggering number is the highest level since 1982.

The Tennessee lawmaker pointed to large spending under Biden as fuel for the trend.

“As confirmed by today’s Consumer Price Index, President Biden’s spending-fueled, historic inflation hasn’t lost any steam. It’s going up like a rocket, and Americans are feeling it. Instead of rising wages, Tennessee workers are facing pay cuts in real terms, net of inflation, and their savings are being depleted from runaway increases in the cost of everyday goods. It’s a nightmare for those on fixed incomes,” Hagerty said in a statement.

“In their alternate reality, the Biden administration might tout economic ‘success,’ but the American people see right through their desperate smoke and mirrors when all Democrats want to do is continue to tax and spend. Americans need relief from these higher prices with sound, pro-growth economic policies, which means the party that controls Washington − Democrats − needs a course correction.”

Furthermore, the number is a .6%jump from December, a higher level than many experts predicted. Within the overall numbers, the increase was heavily impacted by the costs of energy and shelter.

In recent months, polling has demonstrated that economic concerns, inflation specifically, have remained one of the top concerns for many Americans − often beating COVID-19.

The numbers could prove to be disastrous for Democrats as the November midterms draw closer. Another recent survey showed Republicans leading Democrats on a generic ballot. Additionally, the majority of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job performance.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].




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2 Thoughts to “Senator Bill Hagerty Bashes Biden over Continued Inflation”

  1. nicky wicks

    it’s almost as though having an ‘administration’ that is almost entirely anti-business isn’t a good thing.

    who are the 40% supposedly still supporting Senile Joe?


  2. Trevor

    Dizzy Bill, Please take note inflation is caused by to many dollars chasing to few goods and services. You have continued to support Mitch McConnell for GOP leader, in fact your first vote as a newly elected senator was to elect McConnell as leader. McConnell supported Biden’s infrastructure bill of 2 trillion dollars, where only 18% actually gores to infrastructure. The rest goes to Green energy and socialist programs financed with our tax money. Why don’t you join Ted Cruz and challenge McConnell when he calls hardworking people from Tennessee as insurgents, but you and McConnell are silent on liberals destroying cities! Would you give us Tennesseans a stock pick where can make $4,000,000? Help us Tennesseans out Dizzy Bill…… Will you join Marsha Blackburn with her legislation to ban members of congress and their spouses of trading individual stock trades? Please put your investments (including your wife’s) in a blind trust or resign!
